
Is it really that fulfilling to sample "Genius of Love" by the Tom Tom Club? I mean I know they're amazing and everything and it's cool cuz they went to risd but I realized the other day that so many people have sampled them. Original: GRANDMASTER FLASH AND FURIOUS FIVE "It's Nasty": Then there are like 8 billion hip hop artists who don't have real music videos who have sampled this. Check out this "video mash-up" with Fergie: Then of course the classic Mariah Carey hit: Sony bitches disabled embedding. Then the cover of the cover: Has Girl Talk ever sampled "Genius of Love"? Can you name a song that has been sampled more? Is there a more catchy song that should have been sampled by Mariah? Will Annie's "Chewing Gum" be sampled by the next Mariah then some random person who popularizes the art of video mash-ups mashes it up with the next Fergie who sings a song about Paris video? Where can I find all these answers?? Why is the world such a twisted and repetitive place????????????

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