John Maeda = God?

In case somebody who doesn't go to RISD reads this blog (I'd say 2 people at MAX) RISD has a new president, the all powerful JOHN MAEDA! YES BOW DOWN MERE MORTALS! yeah, yeah, yeah, So we all know he's cool and everything cuz he went to MIT and he makes super conceptual art with computers and shit and has messenger bag with sewn in solar panels to recharge his iphone, but there is something even more cool about him. He has a facebook. Not only does he have a facebook but he has the best status updates ever. Let me demonstrate: John is grappling with the fact that Noreen Morioka "owns" me. 10:38pm Who is this Noreen Morioka? How can one own John Maeda for he is a god! A greater god? John is pondering the difference between orange juice and fizzy water. 7:53am Only a god's stomach can handle carbonated beverages at 7:53am. John is contemplating the brilliance of a book title he sees "UNKN()WN QUANTITY". 8:28am I don't really even understand that one. John is captivated by the phrase "Less presentation, more discussion.". 5:55pm OMG he put a 4 syllable word in his status update! John is wondering what bees think about as they go about business. 1:30pm How will I ever bee a fraction as intellectual as he is!? John is wondering when books will be simply uploaded to our minds, how will we erase them? 11:32am Oh no! He did read Wuthering Heights. John is continuing to search ... 10:02am I hate it when there's a cliffhanger in his status update. He's the Charles Dickens of status updates. But seriously: If by some strange circumstance you read this John Maeda... I luv ya. Good work. EDIT: I NEED to add his new status updates onto this thing: John is trying to multitask microtasks but is preparing macrotasks concurrently to increase the value of his time. 9:07am John is certain that complementary colors get along well. 10:57pm John is realizing that "better" is not a subjective target. 8:57am John is deeply struck by the correlation between Community and Communication. Connect and Context. 8:07pm Then this isn't a status update but it's still really good: John installed the Facebook for iPhone application to his phone. 12:36am <3 him

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